- Three channels passive zener barrier for power supply, reference and signal. Ex marking: ATEX II (1)G, II (1)D, I (M1)
IECEx [circuit(s) in zone 0/1/2] - Protection: [Ex ia Ga] IIC, [Ex ia Da] IIIC, [Ex ia Ma] I (-20 °C ≤ Tamb ≤ +60 °C)
- Equipped with 3 channels for the protection of the Signal line (CN1/CN4), the Excitation line (CN3/CN6) and the Sense line, for improved signal stability.
- “SLIM” type case, iper-compact, for DIN rail installation.
- Temperature of usage: -20°C ÷ +60°C.
- Storage temperature: -25°C ÷ +70°C
- Rating: 14Vrms differential and 8Vrms through earth for CN3 connector, 20Vrms for the CN1 & CN2
- Maximum Security Voltage(Um): 250Vrms
- Maximum Security Current (current interruption capability): 1500A
- Degree of protection: IP20
- Excitation, Signal and Sense Marking: ATEX II (1)G, II(1)D, I(M1)
- Protection: [Ex ia Ga] IIC, [Ex ia Da] IIIC, [Ex ia Ma] I (-20°C ≤ Tamb ≤ +60°C)
- Can connect up to 4 Load Cell of 350 Ohm.
- Combined use of one or more Zener Barriers (1) GD [Ex ia], implies that the Atex marking of the set of barriers must be upgraded (2) GD [Ex ib], as written in the EN 60079-14 normative.
- Material: ABS
- Glands: n.4, ATEX certified.
- Protection for Case + Barrier:
for gas:
– ATEX II 3(1) Ex nAa [ia Ga] IIC T4 Gc (-20°C ≤ Ta ≤ +50°C)
for dust:
– ATEX II 3(1)D Ex tb [ia Da] IIIC T130°C Dc IP65 (-20°C ≤ Ta ≤ +50°C).
Please click here or the ATEX/IECEX Triple Zener Barrier For Load Cells “ZBA1S” Datasheet…